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Haku löysi 1 tuloksen

touko 29, 2012, 08.41
Keskustelualue: Kahvila
Aihe: Myers-Briggs -testi
Vastaukset: 15
Luettu: 4395

Myers-Briggs -testi

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
44 12 25 44

Hmm ja toisesta:

The MMDI thinks your personality is closest to ESFJ,2 and 2nd closest to ENFJ. If your closest personality type is ESFJ then you seek to develop harmony in relationships, and promote cooperation and teamwork. You regard the needs of others as very important, perhaps more so than your own, and seek to recognise their contributions and make them feel valued. You encourage and motivate others, engender team spirit, and try to overcome any conflict by finding common ground and ways in which people can agree.