Oletko miettinyt etupotkijuutta? Potkua tukemalla pääset etupotkijoiden omalle alueelle, jossa asiantuntijat vastaavat kysymyksiin. Lisäksi etupotkijana voit selata Potkua näkemättä yhtään mainosta. Tutustu ja mieti. :)

Jim Shortt vastaa

Löylyttelyä yli lajirajojen. Kaikkien kamppailulajien yhteisalue.

Valvoja: Valvoja

Viestit tässä aiheessa: 11
Viestit: 20209
Lauteille: Tammikuu 2005
Paikkakunta: JKL

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti JanneM »

Mr. Shortt we hope you ansver these questions asked by Jussi Häkkinen.
We let you ansver them before we allow further questions. Sardaukar stated a question here earlier today and if he wants to translate that in english we allow that single querstion to be revieved at the same time with Mr. Häkkinen's question.
-Janne Maunonen-
**No jasinui salmul saralra**
JKL Fight Club
Defendo JKL
American Defendo Academy
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 22
Viestit: 223
Lauteille: Syyskuu 2008

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti Sardaukar »

Eri aikavyöhykeellä oleva kaverini sai juuri postissa vanhan BudoExpress-lehden numeron.

Tuossa numerossa Kari Aittomäki haastattelee Jimbo Shorttia, joka kehuskelee siinä taistelleensa Falklandin sodassa.

Kari? Kommentteja? Gurkhat?
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 1
Viestit: 11249
Lauteille: Kesäkuu 2008

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti Jorge »

Sardaukar kirjoitti: Jos jollakin on kysymistä, miksi ajan tätä asiaa, tämä vastaa paremmin kuin 1000 muuta postaustani:

" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Tuo selvensi brittisotilaiden motiiveja, mutta herätti enemmän kysymyksiä, kuin vastauksia sinun intohimostasi asian tiimoilta.
Jim Shortt
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 2
Viestit: 3
Lauteille: Syyskuu 2009

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti Jim Shortt »

I will answer this question, but have indicated to Potkunet it will be the last time. My reason is simple I was given an opportunity to answer [persons name] who calls himself Sardaukar. [persons name] had posted defamatory , malicious and inaccurate information about me with copyright photos illegally taken from the internet. Potkunet has chosen not to remove them when asked yet when I post [persons name] name and wish to upload a photo of him in answer to the many questions from posters who he is, Potkunet decided that was against their rules. That is establsihing what can only be called a one way street it is not just or even handed,.
The original claim by these idiots was that Ryoi Shinto Ryu died out 300 years ago, when I disproved this they moved the goalposts. Where does their information come from? From a Koryu practitioner who studies another style and who sees himself as the meijin of martial arts and spends his time rubbishing other martial arts and making imperial pronouncements. He is not a hopologist and could hardly be called an historical expert. Has he posted on Arrse or Potku? - no, The comments made by [persons name] were taken from an English language martial arts website called bullshido which is about controversy and being negative. A bitch site for the little girls of the martial arts world. The comments or rather questions were posted by a former student under a pseudonym. This meijin claimed that Ryoi Shinto Ryu had been absorbed by it's derivative Kito Ryu. Go to the RSRjujutsu.com website and you will see translation of Ryu documents (made by Dr John Breen SOAS London University). There are also photos of my father's teacher Tatsuo Takeda, my father and the relative that introduced him to Ryoi Shinto Ryu (Charles Carlton), Takeda's student and my teacher Kaiso Komito. Those documents are reinforced by translation of my chudan and my Menkyo Kaiden award by a translator of the Japanese embassy. They are further reinforced by reference to Watanabe's Bugei Ryuha Daijiten (a master work on the history and lineage of koryu styles_. When I first started jujutsu it was a common myth spread by Judo revisionists that jujutsu was absorbed by Judo and did not exist, we now know that is not true. In addition I have studied Tenjin Shin'yo Ryu, Hakko Ryu and Yoshin Ryu. I had a recent practitioner tell me that I could not have studied Yoshin Ryu as he was the first practitioner to go from the west in recent years. I was able to produce the name of my instructor (Ken Hardiman) the names of his 4 Japanese teachers, a copy of his certificate issued in 1936 from the Dai Nihon Butokukai and photos of all of the above. When he claimed that I could not have studied Tenjin Shin yo Ryu , an examination of the Kanji on the morokuroku scroll I have was found to be different from the kanji for Tenjin Shinyo Ryu he had in his book. The Bugai Ryuha Daijiten lists many unrelated schools with the same sounding name but differing kanji. For examples it lists 2 Yoshin Ryu schools which use different kanji (a bit like the english Road and Rode - same sound different meaning). In historical debate it is important to quote your sources. I gather that Potkunet subscribers have understood that the mission of Arrse and [persons name] was not to inform, investigate or seek truth , rather to denigrate, deride and deconstruct my life, the work of the IBA and its founder Lucin Ott. I have just returned from Japan where I celebrated my 50 years in koryu jujutsu. The majority of the participants were Japanese. I am thankful for friends like Kari and Tero who have stood up for me. The bottom line is while fantasists like [persons name] who have done little or nothing with their lives except online wargaming - I have lived my life to the full, been and done and saw. Whilst [persons name] sought to hide who he was and be a faceless voice questioning reality and truth, I have no problem standing up and stating who I am, Bottom line talk to those I have taught - the fruit of the tree is how you judge it. [persons name] will get his chance to state his words and provide his proofs in a court of law, because that is where this is going. An important point is that a court of law also looks at intention. Next time you are tempted to look at Arrse check out the burnt corpse picture posted by [persons name] and you will see that he has also posted my name under the corpse.
Now Potkunet be fair, you allowed over several month [persons name] to ask who I am, so why can we not ask who he is???? If you will not be fair enough to take down the entire posting about me, or is this as I have said a one way street?
Jussi Häkkinen
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 2
Viestit: 19113
Lauteille: Helmikuu 2005

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti Jussi Häkkinen »

Mr. Shortt, thank you for your insight on this issue. I wish that Sardaukar will permit us to use his name openly, thus eliminating the need to remove the comments that now seem to violate the rules of these forums. I must personally state that I'm a strong advocate for omitting the nicknames and using everyone's real name in discussion. After all, that gives some weight to their posts and opinions.

However, if your post was your last one, as you told us (which would be unfortunate), I wish to thank you once again for your views about Ryoi Shinto Ryu. It, sadly, wouldn't be a first martial art that has been unjustifiedly degraded by Bullshido.net.
Jussi Häkkinen

"Karate ei ole tapa kamppailla. Karate on tapa opettaa kamppailua. Nämä ovat kaksi täysin eri asiaa ja erittäin tärkeä asia ymmärrettäväksi."
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 11
Viestit: 20209
Lauteille: Tammikuu 2005
Paikkakunta: JKL

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti JanneM »

Mr. Shortt. There is no need for you to post out Sardaukars real name.
As much as I hate people usin only aliases in internet he has schoosen to do so. He has told his name to member of potku.net staff and we know who he is. But as long as he is not willing to let his name in the publick I suggest we all do so to.
We know now that you know his real name and it's fine. I do ever hope that you too go by the rules of this forum so we can keep this the most growing and biggest martial arts forum in scandinavia. Like you know. If we allow one person extra others want extra too...

Now sardaukar has a chance of asking questions here too but I personally would love the idea of man of your caliber ansvering questions about things conserning you and your background as a martial artist. I know that many people in here are interrested about these things for the right resons too and not all of them are in here to bash you.

Thank you for the info about your ju-jutsu background. That was the main thing I was interested my self.
-Janne Maunonen-
**No jasinui salmul saralra**
JKL Fight Club
Defendo JKL
American Defendo Academy
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 11
Viestit: 93960
Lauteille: Joulukuu 2004
Paikkakunta: Tampere
Etulaji: HIIT, girya
Sivulajit: pilates, yinjooga
Takalajit: Tanglang

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti Mika »

Sardaukar, do you find posts like this amusing or even remotely informative?

http://www.arrse.co.uk/Forums/viewtopic ... ml#2427058" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

In any case, I too hope we could focus more on martial arts and related topics. Sardaukar has made blatantly clear what he is all about, but because Potku is nothing like Arrse or other forums with similar agendas, it would be in everyone's benefit if we could all "talk business" and leave personal agendas behind. It is martial arts that we are interested in here in Potku. Let's talk about them :bojutsu:
Zen, I haz it.

Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

Potki etuja!
Jim Shortt
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 2
Viestit: 3
Lauteille: Syyskuu 2009

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti Jim Shortt »

I had stated that while Potkunet prevent me from naming Sardaukar I would not post. However following the revelation that Sardaukar had posted my posts on Potkunet and included his real name, I understand the moderators have removed their objection to posting without further comment the identity of Sardukar. SARDAUKAR : MIKA TAPIO SIHTO who now resides in Malta but for a short time was an officer in the Finnish Army reaching the rank of Lieutenant, since then his military career has been restricted to Wargaming (Ancient Rome, Band of Broithers, etc). Mika Sihto is not personally known to me. I have been informed that he may have attending martial arts seminar (Hokku Ryu) organised by my friend Auvo Niniiketo, who in posts on Arrse he has also attacked. I have prior to his defamatory and malicious posting on various internet sites no conflict with or contact from him. This situation is of his choosing and entirely of his creation.
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 2
Viestit: 2447
Lauteille: Syyskuu 2006
Paikkakunta: Suomi

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti jussip »

I would be interested to hear about your martial arts background, even a brief list of the most influential styles/instructors would be interesting. I am sure that a person with your experience has attended numerous training courses/seminars, as well as practiced several different martial arts/combat sports/fighting systems, but I’d like to hear about the ones that you have concentrated on during your long career, and which you think have been the most influential.
Kari Aittomäki
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 11
Viestit: 16107
Lauteille: Helmikuu 2006
Paikkakunta: Kokkola

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti Kari Aittomäki »

Vastailen kun saan jostain laatikonpohjalta sen kyseisen lehden kaiveltua.
Kiirettä ei ole, odotellaan tässä asioita tapahtuviksi.
Jutusta kun kuitenkin on verrattain kauan, en voi mitenkään muistaa (varsin sumussa) käytyä keskustelua.
Kun nauhurikin katos johonkin.
Muistitemppua en viitti tehdä.

Ja ihan ilmoitusasiana, tuo hyökkäävyys ei ihan palvele pointtiasi.
Koittasit vähä tyyntyä.
Kaikille ois parempi jos tästä saatas kunnonkeskustelu aikaan.
eller hur?
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 11
Viestit: 20209
Lauteille: Tammikuu 2005
Paikkakunta: JKL

Jim Shortt vastaa


Viesti JanneM »

Ketju suljettu!
Kysymyksiä tule vähän ja vielä vähemmän asiallisia. Kiitos asiallisten kysymysten esittäjille. Kiitos myös Jim Shorttille niistä vastauksista joita saimme. Valitettavasti vastauksia ei myöskään saatu moniinkaan kysymyksiin. Uskon sen johtuvan monestakin asiasta. Ketju menee lukkoon. Jokainen voi vetää omat johtopäätöksensä sekä kysymyksistä joita ei Shortille esitetty, tai ei ainakaan suoraan tai englanniksi ja vastauksista joita ei välttämättä tullut. Kiitos kaikille.
Ketju suljettu!


Thread locked!
There was very little of questions and even less good ones. Thanks to everyone asking good questions. And thanks to Mr. Short for those answers we got. Unfortunately we got less serious answers to lots of questions. I believe it is due to various matters. We are closing this thread. Everyone can draw any conclusions they want about questions not asked from Mr. Shortt or not asked in english and about the answers we got and didn't get. Thank you all.
Thread locked!
-Janne Maunonen-
**No jasinui salmul saralra**
JKL Fight Club
Defendo JKL
American Defendo Academy
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 4
Viestit: 8469
Lauteille: Kesäkuu 2007
Paikkakunta: Helsinki

Ampuma-asetta vastaan - miten toimia?


Viesti DeusVult »

Kun "Jimbo" narahti kaikista noista itsekeksityistä aatelisarvoista ja sotilasurista, niin eikös toi sen bodyguard associationkin kaatunu siinä samalla, vai mites siinä kävi?
Peter Karis
DJJV Ju-Jutsu, historiallinen kikkailu.

Onko kuvittelu totuutta oikeaa?
Onko totuus onttoa kuvitelmaa? Liike vai staattisuus, vai Pieksämäen asemalla blues?
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 4
Viestit: 700
Lauteille: Joulukuu 2005

Ampuma-asetta vastaan - miten toimia?


Viesti magamies »

Jimbon taisteluosaamista ei tuo kuitenkaan poistanut, näkee että mies osaa ja esim. Aittomäki on miehen kanssa treenannut ja tietää osaamisen joka on huippuluokkaa.
Jimbo opetti Avelle paljonkin Iban henkivartiohommia ja Avella on aina ollut rima korkealla,
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 2
Viestit: 361
Lauteille: Helmikuu 2005

Ampuma-asetta vastaan - miten toimia?


Viesti Filipino »

Kari Aittomäki kirjoitti: joulu 22, 2018, 03.22... Eli tuo "narahtaminen" on kärpästen surinaa.

Kari, onko sinulle tullut selväksi miksi Jimbo teki niinkuin teki ...?
Viestit tässä aiheessa: 5
Viestit: 3467
Lauteille: Marraskuu 2006
Paikkakunta: Helsinki
Takalajit: MMA, shootfighting, eurooppalainen jujutsu, Latosa escrima, Pekiti tirsia kali, judo, voimankäyttö.

Ampuma-asetta vastaan - miten toimia?


Viesti Kyynikko »

Persoonallisuuskysymys ehkä osaksi ja markkinointi on kovaa peliä.

Olen nähnyt videon missä kaksi jenkkipoliisia pyytää tyyppiä näyttämään, miten se katkaisee ketju raudoista. Ideana on se, että ketjun linkit asetetaan niin etteivät ne liiku juuri lainkaan, siihen joustavuuteenhan se ketjun kestävyys pitkälti nojaa. Sitten nopea liike vielä rautojen tuomalla vipuvaikutuksella ja naps käy. Skidinä oli jo opetellut, latinotyyppi 😁
"Ei pidä syyttää peiliä jos nenä on vino." - Nikolai Gogol

Mukamas viisas. Mukamas keppimiäs.


Käyttäjiä lukemassa tätä aluetta: Ei potkulaisia ja 72 kurkkijaa