Eli ihan kuten epäilinkin, Itosu on käyttänyt analogiaa. Judon kaltaisia tekniikkoja ≠ karate on (osittain) jujutsustaBasically, the above is the same as in Itosu's manuscript, but it is important to note the addition of the explanation "something like the throwing technique of jūdō" to the method of torite. Tokuda probably asked Itosu Sensei what torite was, and was told that it was something like the throwing technique of jūdō.
No eihän tee, vaan kyseessä on vertaus. Ihan samallalailla on vertaus kun sanotaan, että lonkero on harmaa kuin Suomen marraskuuHowever, Tokuda's article makes it clear that torite means jūjutsu (techniques).
Samassa blogissa on Ueharan oppilaan Higa Seitokun tekstiä
Eli niitä on jo karatessa. Mihin siinä enää jujutsua tarvitaan?Karate has many other techniques besides punching and kicking. Reverse hold, neck choke, and throwing techniques are often used. The more advanced the technique, the more of them there are, and the more it shifts from clenched-fist techniques to techniques that use the fingertips in the form of open hands. It has the feel of a comprehensive martial art. This is the case with arresting techniques and torite, which is considered a mysterious technique (page 38)
Ja mitä tulee noihin juttuihin, että Uehara opetti tuidia ennen Hakko ryu seminaareja, niin sen voi selittää ihan helposti: opettanut karatea, mutta tykästynyt noihin ”erikoistekniikkoihin” ja opettanut niitä.